Case Studies

At a busy intersection where a large carrier was moving forward on a 55′ pole in the middle of a parking lot (due to city setback and height requirements), our client, a small tower company and local carrier, wanted more height. An elegant location, economical lease, and an innovative zoning argument led to the successful approval and construction of a 160′ monopole. The nearby 55′ tower was abandoned and our client’s new tower immediately attracted a Very siZeable collocator! We then got several other 160′ monopoles sited within the city limits for our surprised and pleased client.

Our client was unable to make a deal covering a busy intersection with some tall buildings. Even the CEO of the (small local) carrier gave it a shot. We were called in and found a location and permitted a 165′ monopole. Another Tower Company had just built a 68′ tower less than 250′ from our site. Another clear advantage of calling Fisher Telecommunications!

Van Horn:
In a difficult ring for a major carrier, a BTS vendor was unable to make a deal. When all of their in-house staff (including the owner of the BTS vendor himself) were unable to find a useful candidate, we were called in. The desired coverage area had issues with the surrounding topography and the RF requirements made the options very limited. How did Fisher Telecommunications wind up making a deal to rehabilitate an abandoned existing microwave site on a mountaintop? A very reasonable deal on an 80,000+ acre ranch, owned by a very hard-to-reach member of an old Texas family? Our unique blend of in-depth research, delicate personal interaction and a little magic, when necessary, got the job done! Getting reasonable deals out of landlords who don’t need the money is one of our specialties.